Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 5: Water Truck Day #2

Friday…our Water Truck Day #2:

Whew! It was a tough day…and that might be an understatement. Back to Cite Soleil today for “Water Truck”. This is where we work with a water truck to bring fresh water to the people of Cite Soleil, the poorest 3 square miles in the Western Hemisphere. We jumped out of the truck thinking that “we got this” but were quickly greeted by so many children with pails that once filled couldn’t even be carried back to their homes. So there we were with the task of filling the pails, loving on the kids, carrying the pails as far as we were allowed to go and then realizing that we need to get back and do it again. With the kids having the responsibility to get anywhere between 1-5 pails back to their homes, it was so hard to choose between the 5 kids vying for us to pick them up and hug them and the ones that needed help with carrying their pails. It is important to relate that in Cite Soleil there are children that are slaves within their own homes. And on this day…we met and helped a lot of them. 

A good friend shared this verse with me before leaving on this trip and it fits this day and should be shared: 
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive’”. Acts 20:35


Angie (leader) - FOTO - such a simple thing as in taking a picture brings so much joy to the children
Laura - ANGER - It’s 2015 and people are living in such extreme poverty that they are fighting and struggling to get this water
Kalli - SAD - just sad
Kendra - MUSCLES - kids were so strong
Bailey - HARD but GOOD - struggling between holding the kids and giving them love and then having to set them down to carry the buckets
Eli - UNDERSTANDING - total chaos, but we understood each other
Kathi - THANKFUL - a selfish thought that came into my mind as we boarded the bus and were able to leave this sadness and also struggling with the guilt of the thought, but in the end being very thankful that we were able to help and provide them the water and love that they so desperately needed
Hannah - ROUGH - emotionally and physically 
Lindsey - OVERWHELMING - so many kids that were there for love and the overwhelming heat on top of the demands of the work that was needed to be done for this community
Paige - SHOCKING - such a different day compared to the first day doing water truck
Theresa - AGGRESSIVE - people pushing and kids everywhere
Nancy - STRENGTH - the kids had inner and outer strength
Scout - FOLLOW - there was a little girl that followed me everywhere
Lance - AWESOME - the team took on different roles and we did everything we could, with smiles on our faces
Jaime (leader) - SISTERS - Nemi and her sister, met previously. Looking strong and healthy, they tagged along while carrying buckets. 

This is a day that took longer for us all to process and work through…it comes a day later due to this reason.

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