Friday, August 29, 2014


August 29th

Today started out amazing!! We started the day bright and early at 5:45 by attending tent church. It is an unbelievable church that started out in a tent after the earthquake destroyed it and was transformed into this ginormous church that could possibly hold 10,000 people. It was beautiful or bel as they say in Creole. As we pulled up you could hear the voices of Haitian people lifting up in praises. The voices were so intriguing I couldn't wait to get off the Tap-Tap. When we walked in the people were all praising to The Lord with their hands in the air and grace in their hearts. Even though it was mostly in Haitian, the Holy Spirit grabbed us and lead us to the word. It was truly amazing. Just being able to listen to the words of Creole and have time with God was all we needed to fire us up for a day of serving our Savior. Here was part of todays Jesus Calling:

"The most effective way to resist evil is to draw near Me. When you need to take action, I will guide you clearly through My Spirit and My Word. The world is so complex and overstimulating that you can easily lose your sense of direction. Doing countless unnecessary activities will dissipate your energy. When you spend time with Me, I restore your sense of direction. As you look to Me for guidance, I enable you to do less but accomplish more." 

For the rest of the day we did another half day of the water truck; which I think I can speak for all of us when I say, it was AWESOME!! All the people were so grateful for the water and the children were as cute as ever. Being able to give clean water and spread God's love is so gratifying and to be able to witness Gods glory is nothing I can explain. 

Next we were able to go meet the transition children up at Grace Village. Some of you may know them from donating church clothes and soccer jerseys back in July. These kids have the biggest smiles and the brightest eyes you will ever see. They all have the purest hearts and a longing passion for God, in which, they all in some way want to share with their Haitian people. One boy reminded me so much of one of my brothers back at home. The compassion for others, his respectful demeanor, and the craving for The Lord. After getting to know them we were able to go outside and play basketball, soccer, and jump out of the way of skate boards.  It was a blast to see them smiling and having such a great time with their peers and now their new family. God is so amazing and I can't believe I am here to be able to witness his greatness. I will forever be grateful. During group we decided we are not going to leave our missions here in Haiti, but bring back what we have learned here and continue Gods greatness to the fullest. 

Love Always, 

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